iOS 18 Lets You Hide App Labels on Your iPhone Home Screen

As part of its Home Screen customization overhaul, iOS 18 introduces a feature that allows iPhone users to hide app icon labels for a cleaner, minimalist look.

How to Hide App Labels in iOS 18

When labels are turned off, the app icons expand slightly to occupy the space where the text labels usually appear. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to hide app labels in the iOS 18 Developer Beta:

  1. On the Home Screen, press and hold on an empty area until the icons start to jiggle.
  2. Tap the “Edit” button in the top-left corner.
  3. Select “Customize.”
  4. In the customization menu, tap the “Large” button to hide the labels.
  5. Tap anywhere on the Home Screen to save your preference.

Current Limitations

At this stage, it’s not possible to hide labels while keeping the app icons at their original small size. However, this may be addressed in future beta versions.

Additional Home Screen Customization Options

iOS 18 also introduces several other Home Screen customization features, including:

  • The ability to place app icons anywhere on the screen.
  • A dark tint option for app icons, providing a sleek, uniform appearance.

These new options offer users greater flexibility and personalization for their Home Screens, enhancing both aesthetics and functionality.


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